Twin Flames: Learn How to Interpret Twin Flame Dreams
I developed Dream Interpretation: The Basics & Beyond as a general dream interpretation course to provide individuals with the fundamental information necessary for dream work. But, the impetus for developing the course was to understand what my own Twin Flame dreams meant and how I could use them to help me. My hope is that other Twin Flames can apply the general dream interpretation skills they will learn in the course to help them on their journeys as well.
There is a lot of information describing Twin Flame relationships, the Twin Flame journey, and describing Twin Flame stories, but there isn’t a lot of information on what to do on the Twin Flame journey and how to do it. There isn’t a lot of specific Twin Flame guidance. So, you read through the available information and think, “Okay, cool, I’m in the ascension phase and I know I need to work through my Twin Flame blocks and raise my energy vibration to ultimately get into physical union. How do I do that? What are my blocks to Twin Flame union and how can I clear them? I’ve seen my Twin Flame in a dream. What does that mean and how can I use this information to help me?”
Dreams, if you know how to work with them, provide an excellent source of guidance on the Twin Flame journey. Because they are your dreams, their guidance is specific to you and your unique challenges and life path. Dreams can help uncover blocks, provide ideas for clearing these blocks and can help raise Twin Flame energy vibration, both in and of themselves, and also by providing insights and ideas. And, the dreams providing guidance needn’t be Twin Flame dreams specifically; all of your dreams provide wisdom and guidance that can be used on the Twin Flame journey.
During times of Twin Flame separation, dreams can provide the proverbial light in the darkness. Dreams can facilitate telepathic communication with your Twin Flame (i.e., dreams are a form of Twin Flame telepathy), allow you to spend time together in the dream dimension, help to see the future, instill hope and can reveal your Twin Flame’s struggles, messages and insights for you. Some of these dreams are vivid dreams and feel so realistic that it’s as if you’ve spent the evening with your Twin. These dreams are exactly what’s needed after months (or years) of separation. Such dream experiences are so powerful and hope-inspiring that they beg to be better understood and fully harnessed.
My interest in dream interpretation began following a precognitive dream about my Twin Flame that ended up playing out partially in the 3rd dimension (i.e., physical reality). The yet unrealized portion of the dream involved me being pulled off course and away from my Twin Flame. I didn’t know what exactly “being pulled off course” would look like if played out the 3rd dimension, but I feared it meant I would hurt or betray him somehow.
For those of you who have had precognitive dreams and experiences, you know that these carry with them the burden of responsibility: What do you do with the information? Do you tell the other person about what you’ve seen in the dream? Do you take some other sort of action? If so, what sort of action do you take? Frankly, there is no definitive answer. Determining what to do takes practice, discernment, and some actuarial skills. I’ve had experiences that have gone well, and others than have not. This was one such experience that did not go so well.
Ultimately, I decided to share the dream with my Twin Flame in the hopes that we could find a way to avoid the feared outcome. This went very poorly. He was only able to hear the possibility that I could betray him. He got upset, scared and proceeded to ghost me for 4 months, which marked the beginning of our separation phase. In retrospect and in an ironic twist of fate, I suppose the unrealized portion of the dream did fully play out: I was pulled off course and away from my Twin (because I told him about the dream).
As with so many mistakes in our lives, this one became a powerful teacher. Because I never wanted to make this mistake again, I sought to learn as much as I could about how to interpret dreams. I read books, listened to podcasts, read blogs, signed up for courses, started keeping track of my own dreams, and received training from my mentor, a Jungian analyst. After a short period of time, I was remembering my dreams consistently, and I was able to understand and work with the symbolism in them, in order to extract the messages that were integral to my healing and Twin Flame ascension process. So, not only did I have my weekly mentoring sessions, I had nightly mentoring sessions as well. And, thank the gods, because I needed as much help as I could get. I also had more precognitive dreams, and I began to learn to identify them, determine their meaning, and then apply this information to guide the decisions I was making in my life.
Through my training, I learned that seeing the future in dreams and then using this information to guide decision making was not at all unusual; it is a universal practice in nonWestern cultures and was a universal practice in Western culture in antiquity (Moss, 2009). With this new-found knowledge, I saw the COVID-19 stock market crash and was able to liquidate my assets before they lost their value. I saw other events too, old clients reaching back out to me and even my well pump going out. And, more importantly, I was able to take aligned action in accordance with these dream messages that had positive, rather than destructive consequences.
After several months of separation, my dreams also showed me that I would be hearing from my Twin again, and soon. At that time, I had trouble accepting the veracity of these precognitive dreams, given the still quite vivid memory of the precognitive dream that precipitated our separation and my foray into dream interpretation. But, this time, the dreams were much more direct and obvious (which, they probably were before, but the fault actually lay with my novice interpretation abilities). Much to my surprise and amazement, I did hear from him again, after four months of radio silence. Even better, it seemed that he hadn’t decided to hate me until the end of time.
Since that time, my dreams have revealed other truths to me about our connection, the work that needs to be done, what is going on behind closed doors of communication, what is going unsaid and what needs to be said. They let me know when it is a favorable time to communicate and when it’s not. They provide hope and connection when hope and connection feel lost in the physical dimension. The dreams exhibit patterns, nuances and predictive abilities. I use these to take aligned action in the physical dimension and when I do, our Twin Flame connection strengthens and becomes more harmonious.
Learning to work with dreams has provided an integral resource on my Twin Flame journey towards union and has provided the desperately needed light in my darkest hour(s). Dream work has helped me reconnect with my true north, raise my energy vibration and has allowed me to move closer to physical union with my Twin Flame. To my dreams, I will be forever grateful.
If you feel lost on your Twin Flame journey, and would like to reconnect with your true north, raise your energy vibration and ultimately move closer to physical union with your Twin Flame, click the buttons below to learn more and sign up for Dream Interpretation: The Basics & Beyond.
Moss, R. (2009). The Secret History of Dreaming. Novato, California: New World Library.