Believers: You believe dreams are real

You have vivid dreams and get dream messages that seem to connect you with answers

Your dreams tend to be vivid, big, abstract, and powerful.  It’s hard to put them into words, partly because they are about feeling and partly because they seem so existential that they are hard to comprehend. You might not be sure where dreams come from, an internal or external source, but you aren’t skeptical about there being intentional information there.  You think we hear what when can’t hear when conscious, during dreams, from a higher power or our intuition.  In other words, dreams are a vehicle that can provide answers normal consciousness cannot.  

 Perhaps you asked a question about something your conscious mind couldn’t figure out and you got an answer.  You may not have liked the answer, but you got an answer.  And, because you’ve gotten answers when stuck, this is why you see value in working with dreams. 

In addition to answers to specific questions, dreams have provided another source of guidance and contemplation, have made you think in ways you’d never thought of before, offered different perspectives, have been instructional, and have even resulted in an epiphany or two.  

You know you’ve had powerful dreams in the past, received powerful dream messages you needed, but didn’t know how to interpret them and they were lost. You wonder what information, what messages you could have received if you’d learned to interpret them. 

You wonder if you’re losing an opportunity to access a valuable channel of truth, from the very source you want to connect with.

You feel stuck and worry that you could stay stuck for decades, when an answer is coming to you at night, repeatedly.  

 You believe that dreams have the power to connect you to yourself and maybe even a higher power, and that doing so can provide you with the answers you are seeking. 

You want to feel connected and aligned.  And more importantly, you want to feel connected enough to stop needing distractions like alcohol, pot, work, your phone, TV, social media, and buying more crap.  You think dreamwork can help.  

You think that connecting with your dreams could help you access healing energy and might be able to bring you hope when you really need it.  If you could connect with your dreams, not only could you access healing energy, you could access ideas/solutions that might further help with healing. 

Further, working with dreams might help you learn to trust your inner guidance, your intuition, and in learning to trust yourself, maybe you could begin to trust others.  

Your dreams are symbolic

Dreams speak to you in symbols, metaphors, puzzles, clues, stories, the abstract; you have to put all of these pieces together to figure out what the dreams mean.  It seems like sometimes your dreams are trying to communicate something simple but they make a grand show to get your attention.  They’re sort of like a play, a classic tale that everyone knows but it’s warped into a different form in the dream.  Put another way, they remind you of looking through a kaleidoscope:  The classic story is obscured and warped into fractals.  The dream might not seem to make sense at first, but it seems like it does mean something.  

You also find the way in which the dreams send information helpful. Dreams put things together in a way you can understand, using dream symbols and emotions that get your attention.  Even though your dreams are often abstract, it is their abstract nature that helps to get your attention and provides ideas or solutions that you would have never thought of consciously. You’re not a complete skeptic about there being intentional information out there.  You think that through dreams, we hear what we can’t hear when conscious from a higher power or our intuition.  Dreams are a means for providing answers normal consciousness cannot.   

In not having a good understanding of your dreams and how to work with them, you worry you’re missing a giant clue, if you’re missing some profound knowledge, insights, wisdom, signs from the universe or your inner guidance system.

You wonder if there’s some kind of symbolism you don’t understand, some kind of code you need to crack.  You wonder, “What are my dreams telling me?”

You want to learn how to interpret your dreams, learn to unlock their code, because you believe there are important messages inside them.

 If you could put all of the pieces, signs, and/or clues together, you could solve the puzzle or mystery and gain important insights and wisdom.

If you figure out what dreams are trying to tell you, you think, “Maybe I’ll find happiness.  Maybe my soul will be soothed.  Maybe I’ll solve the mysteries of the universe.  Maybe I’ll learn something about the people I love.”

For you, dreams have the potential to unlock something, get you unstuck, to provide answers.

You think you might have had some precognitive dreams.

Sometimes you feel like you’re getting visions of the future in your dreams.  Part of you thinks they mean something, mean something about the future, and you wonder, “Can dreams predict the future?”  (Course spoiler alert: They can.)

You’ve dreamed things, scenarios before they happened.  You may have even had a big dream that came true. 

In not knowing how to work with your dreams, you worry you could be missing visions of the future or possible futures. 

Further, there may have even been times when you were been able to recognize precognitive dreams and use the information to direct your energy towards something you wanted to happen or prevent something you didn’t want to have happen. You’d like a better understanding of how to do this again. 

If you knew how to work with dreams, you’d look for patterns and relationships in the dreams and try to learn from those.  You’d see what the dream might be trying to tell you at certain times in your life, see how dreams mapped onto certain events in your life.  You’d see if there was some predictive information or wisdom in them that coincided with your life. If you learned how to work with them, maybe you could even circumvent certain life events or mitigate the impact of certain outcomes.

Seeing, experiencing, and actually understanding potential dreams about the future could help you feel guided to what you want to do, to see what is possible.

You have vivid dreams and get dream messages. Your dreams are symbolic, and some have been precognitive dreams. You’d like to know what your dreams mean.

You think that dreams have the power to connect you and provide you with answers.  If you better understood dream symbolism, messages, clues, pieces, signs, then you could solve the puzzle and gain important insights and wisdom.  If you knew how to recognize and work with precognitive dreams, then perhaps you could be guided to what you want to do, and even mitigate the impact of certain events. 

If you learned how to better work with your dreams’ meanings, what doors might open for you?  What problems might you solve?  What changes might you make?  If you were stuck in life, if there was something that’d been plaguing you for months or decades, or even just bothering you right now, and there was an understood medium that could provide some answers, and you found a way to access that, how might your life change?  If dreams can predict the future, how could unlocking this information change your life?

How this course can help people who believe dreams are real

  • If you’ve tried DIY dream interpretation but haven’t had great success, I’ll teach you how to develop a routine around dreamwork, how to remember your dreams, the important aspects of dream interpretation, common dream symbolism/archetypes, and step-by-step methods for interpreting your dreams, using examples from actual dreams.

  • If you’ve been procrastinating or are crunched for time, rather than spending hours and hours combing through online resources and reading books, I’ll give you the basic information you’ll need for dream interpretation and teach you how to apply it.  (I’ve done the reading and research for you.)  And, you don’t have to read anything (unless you want to), you can just watch/listen to some videos and print out the handouts.  Plus, I’ll teach you an abbreviated dream interpretation method, so you can get the most out of your dreams with less of a time commitment.  Oh, and I’m guessing you’ll like the idea that you can receive answers and insights without doing a whole lot.  You just need to go to sleep.  

  • If you’d like to learn your dream language, decipher the metaphors, puzzles, clues, messages, and solve the mystery (I really want to do a Robert Stack impression right now, but I won’t), I’ll teach you how to begin decoding the meaning of dreams, including common dream symbolism, the common language spoken by dreams, the most important parts of the dream, and how to put all these pieces together.  

  • If you want to use your dreams to heal and connect, you’ll learn how to develop a relationship with your dreams, to ask your dreams for help, to understand their idiosyncratic messages, and to apply these to your life, so you can remove blocks, heal, and connect.  

  • If you’ve had precognitive dreams and want to learn what to do with them, you’ll learn that many dreams are precognitive in some respect; I’ll teach you some ways to recognize precognitive dreams, so you can potentially avoid negative outcomes, encourage positive outcomes, and if the outcomes can’t be avoided, you can use this information to plan accordingly and mitigate impact.  

  • If you like to have a plan, a goal, or an end game, after you’ve figured out what your dreams mean, I’ll discuss how to develop a plan of action. When you understand what your dreams are saying, you can direct your energy accordingly.  This can help with decision making and allocation of time and resources, and is especially helpful if you are someone who is crunched for time.

Click below for more information or to sign up for the course.